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Manuscript Submitting For
Publication Type (Select the appropriate publication type for your work.)
Open Access refers to the practice of making your research freely available to the public without any subscription barriers. Choosing Open Access facilitates broader dissemination and enhances the accessibility of your work
Subscription refers to a conventional publishing model where access to a publication is limited to individuals or institutions who have paid for it. Subscribers typically include individuals or institutions who have paid for access, ensuring sustainable funding for the publication.
APC Type
Opting for Special Issues allows you to highlight your research in a focused thematic context. Specialized editorial attention, increased visibility, and dedicated promotional efforts are provided. Please note that an Article Processing Charge (APC) is associated with this option to cover the additional resources and efforts involved in managing and promoting special issues.
Gold Open Access ensures immediate and unrestricted access to your publication by a global audience. This option typically involves APC (Standard Charges Applied: $200) as it covers the full cost of publishing, ensuring that your work is freely available to readers without any access barriers. This includes rigorous peer review, editorial services, and publication in high-visibility journals.
Green Open Access allows you to archive a version of your work in a Subscription Model for 12 Months and after 12 months the article will get Open access. This option often involves lower APC as compared to Gold Open Access (Standard Charges Applied: $200) promoting wider dissemination while respecting the publisher's policies. Ensure compliance with copyright and licensing agreements when choosing this option.

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